
Monday, March 17, 2014

Motivational Monday- Feelings Inventory

In a recent SS discussion the idea of a feelings inventory was brought up.  I do these with clients at work, the kiddos at home, and throughout my days internally.  It is basic, but can have so many benefits.  A feelings inventory is just that.  Taking a brief, yet thoughtful, inventory of your feelings.  Taking a moment to identify what exactly you are feeling, as well as why you are feeling that way, can help you process and manage those feelings.  

Let's stop for a second and acknowledge that, yes, this is completely and utterly cheesy!  Should we sit in a circle, hold hands and sing Kum Ba Yah?  Now that we have hit that truth head on, we can move on to the fact that, regardless of the cheese factor, it is still a kick ass way to get in touch with what's going on up in your head and in your heart!  Moving on...

You may initially think you are feeling angry, only to realize upon further thought, you are actually feeling hurt or dissapointed.  Knowing what exactly you are feeling can help you determine how to manage that feeling, as well as determine if your emotional response to that feeling is appropriate and necessary.  You may be feeling overwhelmed, and realize with some insight that that stress has an easy solution.  Knowing what the feeling truly is, often opens doors to solutions you otherwise woul've overlooked, due to a misinterpretation of feelings.

On this Motivational Monday, I encourage you to take a feelings inventory at some point.  Utilize the moment of self reflection to heighten awareness, revive your positivity, and problem solve through any negative feelings.  

Today is a good day to have a great day!!  

How often to you assess your feelings?  Did you take a feelings inventory today?  Was it helpful?  Too cheesy?  Tell us how your feelings inventory was?  What were you feeling??

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