
Thursday, January 30, 2014

For Yourself Friday

Welcome, SISTERS!  Let me begin by saying that I am infinitely excited to be launching an official SS blog with my fellow admins.  Secret Sisters began when our starry eyed admin, Kristi, got the idea to begin a little group to unite women.  With an insatiable appetite for connecting and inspiring women, she started this journey with little insight into what it could truly become.  Now that we have begun our second round, we have started to see some stunning results.  We have seen members support, educate, motivate, and enliven one another.  We have shared trials and tribulations and have opened emotional doors we didn't realize had been closed for some time.

This blog will serve as another pocket of our sisterhood.  A place where we will work to provide motivation and inspiration to transcend beyond the confines of your computer screen.  We are strong, powerful women, built to unite and inflame one another!

Motivational Mondays will be written by myself, Lindsay (with an A, for awesome!).  I will focus on kick starting your week with a bang.  That pesky start of the week won't know what hit it after I'm done with it!  I will also write 'For Yourself Fridays' which will provide some inspiration and insight into ways you can focus on yourself and get a little 'me' time as you start up your totally amazing weekend!

The ever so fabulous admin, Lindsey (with an E for totally badass!  That's an E word, right?) will be posting about a variety of crafting, cooking and family adventures.  She will give us a sneak peak into her journey through motherhood, friendship, wife-hood and just being a downright powerful WOMAN!

Now that intros are over, let's get this thing started!

'For Yourself Friday' will focus specifically on how to find simple things to help cultivate your soul and pay careful attention to yourself.

This weekend has a forecast with a high of 43 and showers.  Although that temp isn't quite conducive with a rainy day frolic, it is the perfect weather for a quick cruise in whatever stylin vehicle you are surely rockin!  Slipping away for just a bit, cranking up the stereo with your favorite tunes and letting yourself get lost a bit, is a great way to release stress, free of charge!

Put some thought into it so you get the most out of your mini getaway.  Purchase a CD, download some new music, hook up your Ipod, or think about the perfect radio station for your mental vacation.  Be aware of how much or how little time you have to ensure you can get as lost or as not lost as need be.  Wear something so you feel completely comfortable (I highly recommend slippers!).  If you can only slip away for 10 minutes, pick out the perfect anthem for your mood and let it all out.  Laugh, cry or scream, but allow every emotion you are feeling to flow through your entire soul.  Shut your mind off to all else and just fill your space with a sweet melody.      

Once you have escaped reality for this window of time, share the experience with us!  Where did you go, what did you listen to and how did you feel before, during and after?  Was it difficult to get away?  Do you do this often, or was this a new experience for you?  Would you do this again?  Share share share, ladies!
