
Monday, June 30, 2014

See The Trees

I stumbled across this in my newsfeed this morning and found it quite perfect.  

Today, I will see the trees. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

DIY Dry Shampoo

Within the past year I was introduced to the glory that is Dry Shampoo.  It is a convenient and simple solution for any girly who has oily hair, or for those who do not wash their hair daily.  I am the latter, opting to wash my hair every other day, at the most.  Pre kiddos this didn't seem to phase my locks, but after babies I have noticed my hair to be much more oily.  As I began to utilize Dry Shampoo I found myself annoyed that I could see it in my hair, and would have to put in some effort to get it to really blend in.  If you have never used Dry Shampoo, it basically soaks up the 'greasy' look, but at the expense of leaving a baby powder type substance on those of us with darker hair.

With summer upon us, I am even less inclined to want to blow dry and style my hair, in the hopes of avoiding sweating before 8am!  Therefore, the Dry Shampoo look is absolutely essential.  With that necessity came the desire to have a more color practical option.  I stumbled across a DIY recipe for dark hair, and thought I would give it a go.

DIY Dry Shampoo (For Dark Hair):

2 Tbsp Cornstarch
2 Tbsp Cocoa (I used dark chocolate, because my hair is almost black)
Dash of cinnamon

Gently mix together the above ingredients.

  Using a large makeup brush blot and brush the powder onto the crown and root area of your hair.  Be sure to avoid your forehead, because the cocoa can leave you looking particularly sun kissed!  

After making and applying it, I was a very happy customer!  It took me approximately 3 minutes to mix and apply, and I instantly saw results.  It smelled yummy and was basically free since the ingredients were things I found in my cupboard.  Obviously the super cool container is a requirement!

Do you use Dry Shampoo?  Have you ever made your own?  If you try it out, let us know what you think!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Guest Blogger: Samosas!!!

Several of our SS2 members have been asking for Indian recipes, so here goes. I’m not an expert by any means.  I call my mom at least once a week now asking questions like “What exactly is that green stuff you put in our food?” or, “How long does it really take to make dhal?  Two hours?  Three hours?”  

It never takes three hours and that green stuff is spinach and other greens.  There is no secret to making Indian food like I always thought.  

My mom would spend hours in the kitchen while growing up, talking on the phone, slaving away on the hot stove.  What she spent most of her time doing was just talking on the phone and just taking her time cooking.  

I learned this last night when I spent three hours making samosas at Kristi’s house chatting it up with my hostess and our fellow secret sister Chelsea.

The cooking and the samosas fit perfectly into the scenario.  I was taking my time, cooking while chatting, and making a food traditionally eaten at social gatherings or used as a quick snack.  I grew up getting five of these for $1 in Toronto.  So I assume they cannot be too hard to make, right?

I did the research by looking up a recipe by Sanjeev Kapoor and calling my parents.  Sanjeev Kapoor is a well known Indian chef.  You can easily find the video at Sanjeev Kapoor Punjabi Samosa

The samosas can be filled with literally anything.  Paneer, chicken, beef, etc, etc.  I chose to make the classic Punjabi samosas, the part of India my family is from, and because I am vegetarian.  

The recipes are almost always the same.  I used his because it was super easy to follow but after speaking to my parents I made a few alterations.  


2 ½ cups of all-purpose flour
4 tbls of oils (more if needed)
1 tsp anise
1 in of ginger minced
5 small boiled and mashed
1 ½ tsp amchur (mango powder)
1 tsp chili powder (or to taste)
1 tsp of coriander powder
1 tsp graham masala
1 tsp anardha (pomegranate seeds, dried)
1 tsp coriander whole
Peas (if you want)
Salt to taste

  1. Pour in the oil and anise seeds into the flour.  Add enough water to make more of hard dough.  Used just enough water, pouring in slowly, and mixing until you have a nice hard and round ball.  Make sure it is not too dry as that can cause the samosa to be too hard once fried.  (We learned that the hard way)  
  2. Once it is done place it in a bowl and cover with a wet paper towel or cloth for about 15 mins.  
  3. While the dough is sitting set up your potatoes.  In a pan, on a low setting, pour in another tablespoon of oil and let it heat up.  Add your minced ginger
  4. Once the ginger seems just a little brown, careful not to let it burn, add your potatoes and mix it all well.  Add your amchur, chili, and graham masala at once and mix it up.  
  5. Let the potatoes cook on the low heat while you take your anaphase seeds and whole coriander and crush them.  You can use literally anything.  I used a rolling pin but you can use your kid’s toy truck wheels if you want to.  Be creative.  
  6. Once the spices are crushed roast them slightly on low heat for maybe a minute.  Not too long or they were easily burn.  We don’t want that.
  7. Add them to your potatoes!
  8. Add your peas!  As much as you want.  I used about half a cup.  Mixed them in well and your potatoes are ready to go!
  9. This is where life gets tricky.  Go back to your dough.  Take a large size, about the size of a lemon and knead it in your hands for a minute to get the elasticity going.  
  10. Roll out the dough to the shape of an oval.  Long enough, about 12 inches, and then cut it half horizontally in the middle.  
  11. Take one half and carefully wet the straight edge with water and join the two corners together so you have a cone.
  12. Fill the dough with the potatoes.
  13. Wet the rounded edge of the dough and close it up.  You’ll be left with a triangle looking thing.  
  14. Once you have made all of your samosas it’s time to fry!
  15. It is best to fry them in low temperature oil for only three to five minutes until they start to show a little color, about five minutes, and then turn the heat up to medium to make the dough brown and flakey.  There are so many methods of frying.  There is no definite time.  You have to follow your sense on this and watch them carefully.  Others suggest frying them on high temperature first to brown them and then lowering the oil temperature to low in order to finish cooking the inside.  

Ask me questions!  I sure asked my parents a lot and did plenty of research and still need to perfect.  My mother suggested adding a tsp. of making powder to the dough in order to make it more crispy (no idea how that works) or adding more oil according to my father.  


Friday, June 13, 2014

Social Media- We Love to Hate You

Oh social media, we love to hate you, don’t we? When approached with the opportunity to write about how social media and technology has changed relationships I thought, sure, sounds like an easy enough topic and I consider myself quite the expert at social networking. So I sat here at my desk pretending to be working on an HR memo and instead stared at the blinking cursor for about ten minutes. What on its surface appears as such a simple topic, grew and wound into a really large, complex matter. As with most things, there are positives and there are negatives to this new, social world we live in. Connectivity, belonging, and entertainment battle with addiction, jealousy, and isolation often in this new social world of ours. So, what we are left to decide is do the pros outweigh the cons? For me and my family, yes, without hesitation or apology.

My husband and I moved away from home soon after I graduated from high school. Bound and determined and afraid of very little, we moved to Laramie, Wyoming, Chicago, Illinois and finally settled in Memphis, Tennessee. Along the way we made connections with amazing people. Our support group grew and evolved as we adventured around determined to find ourselves in our newfound freedom. But what do you do with those connections that are so dear to you when you move a thousand miles away? What is left to cultivate those relationships, those family ties, when you aren’t in the apartment downstairs or across town? You guessed it, good old Myspace (back in the day), Facebook, SnapChat and texting!

I am, by definition, the absolute worst phone friend on the planet. I am that friend that will stare at the caller id weighing whether to answer or not. It is taxing for me. It’s awful, but it is true, I am not a phone friend. I am a doer. Sitting on the phone until it burns my ear talking about mundane day to day activity does nothing to stimulate me. Now, don’t get me wrong, when a long distance friend needs me in order to vent, cry, untangle, re-center, etc. I am there, 150% I am there. I will gladly and joyfully attach myself to the wall so my cell phone doesn’t die for however long she needs me there. But, to burn my ear for anything less than that, I am not that girl. So, how in the world do I maintain my friendships that are scattered from Seattle, WA to Jacksonville, FL? How do I maintain best friendships with women in Wilmington, NC, New Orleans, LA, St. Louis, MO, & Jacksonville, FL, who I see once a year if I am lucky? How do I maintain family ties in Southern & Central IL, Knoxville, TN, and Des Moines, IA? The same exact way many of you do. We text daily (from the serious to the mundane, I will text you back immediately). We Facebook message, email and send fat faced SnapChats to each other. We are always accessible to each other, always. Some may not see this as a positive, but I do. I am 100% reachable to those people with whom my soul connects. Without it, would I still have these connections? Maybe. Does it make it a thousand times easier to maintain them for me? Yes! With family and friends scattered across the country (and globe, currently) but with the help of social media, I don’t feel so distant from them at all. It keeps us connected, up to date and growing together instead of apart.

That’s not to say that balance should not be sought. Is it easy to feel like you are caught up on everything when you scan through Instagram posts and Facebook statuses? Sure, absolutely. But are you missing something that is harder to publish? A blemish just beneath the surface that needs discovered and discussed? I think the trick is to make sure that you are not just a voyeur in your loved ones lives. It takes an effort to look at those pictures or updates and then build on them. A quick FB message or text (a phone calls for those who are better at that than me) further developing something they posted is necessary to maintain the relationship. It goes beyond a “like” and delves deeper than a quick comment and initiates that deeper connection that can easily be lost in our social word.

I will leave you with this picture. My best friend and I have lived in different states for more years than we lived in the same. We have a long standing tradition of finding “heart trees” and messaging them to one another. She is currently on an 8 week Asian adventure and sent this to me the second she took it at Angkor Thom, Cambodia. We are worlds apart, but thanks to technology, we are still right next to each other.
-SS Amber

Update: Since writing this post Amber’s bf has traveled and returned. Thanks to social media they were able to keep wonderfully connected throughout her journey!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

'Can't Go Wrong' Guacamole

Being from California avocados are easily accessible.  They are available at any restaurant, deli and corner market.  Guacamole was a staple in my household growing up, and my dad was the king.  Although I loved it, I never realized what a treasure it was until I started making it for friends.  I may not be too impressive in the kitchen, but guacamole is one of the few culinary tricks up my sleeve.  

To begin I will give a brief overview on how you pick the perfect avocado for guacamole.  You want to pick one that is not overly firm or mushy (moushy being the technical terminology, of course).  If it is too hard it will be near impossible to mash, leaving a terrible texture, as well as it will taste bitter and awful.  If it is overly ripe it will be mushy and brown on the inside.  This will also be a less then desirable flavor, and a visual appearance of infant feces, always a crowd pleaser.  When pressing on the avocado there should be some give.  If there is no give it is too firm.  It should feel somewhat like a nerf football (that description is courtesy of my hub).  Pushing on it should not leave a deep indent, just a slight give.  

Here are all the ingredients you will need for my 'Can't Go Wrong' Guacamole 

4 avocados
2 Tbsp mayo
1/4 C Favorite Salsa
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder 
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
Salt to taste, approximately 1/4 teaspoon
1/4 cup of cilantro 
Favorite hot sauce to taste


Cut the avocados and place into a bowl.  Mash the avocado to desired consistency (I prefer a fork, but you could also use a potato masher or a food processor if you wanted it super creamy).

You then add your mayo, which will also help give your guac that desired creamy texture.  Now add your favorite salsa.  I am a big fan of sweet and savory, so I typically opt for a pineapple or mango salsa but any one will do.  
Then add your salt, pepper and garlic powder.  Add your favorite hot sauce.  You can determine the level of spice by how much you put in, but a quality guac needs at least a bit of a kick (in my opinion).  If you have not tried Tapatio, I highly recommend it!  
Lastly, I add fresh cilantro.  This is the piece de la resistance!  This is what takes a good guacamole to a great guacamole.  That and following the rest of my fabulous recipe :-).  You can dice it up if you want, but I opt to just tear it and toss it in.  Regardless of how you do it, it is important to either cut or tear the leaves because that is what really releases that bright flavor.  I try my best not to put stems into the guac because I don't like their texture, but I think that is probably a personal preference.  
Get your favorite tortilla chips, and ENJOY!  Keep in mind that guacamole will brown fairly quick, so if you are taking it to any type of event wait as long as possible to prepare it.  
This recipe is great for any potluck, and fits in great with a 4th of July spread!!

Have you made Guacamole before?  Do you have a go to recipe?  Let us know if you try this one out and how you like it!  Share away!!  
*L indsay

Friday, June 6, 2014

Summer Bucket List

Summer will officially kick off on June 21st and I am excited. As a 'grown up' a lot of things can dampen the excitement of summer. School/childcare/kiddo arrangements can drastically change throwing a wrench in everyone's schedule. Vacation plans and preparation can be really stressful. The humidity and bug scenario can overwhelm any backyard BBQ (especially if you live in the midwest!!). It is important to remember the magical aspects of summer that we intrinsically feel as a child. Making a summer bucket list will help bring the bliss back to your summer, and help you embrace each and every hot and sticky evening!

The very process of creating a family bucket list, or a list for each kiddo, is a great activity to do together.  It's an opportunity to talk about goals, adventure, and purpose.  You can write a list, type a list, or do an art project with kiddos to make it a fun process and hang it up within the house.

Your bucket list can include day to day activities, vacation plans, recipes to try, feelings to experience, etc.  Make it personal and specific to your family.  Think outside of the box with the goal of looking back on summer with pure fulfillment!

Here is our 2014 Summer Bucket List  
Have you created a summer bucket list before?  If you create one (or already have) for this summer, let us know what's on it!!  Share away!!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Kristi's Kitchen: Overnight Refrigerator, No-Cook Oatmeal

If you're super busy like me, skip breakfast 90% of the time and frequently resort to cereal for the kiddos, this will be a great recipe for you!  It is healthy, easy and a great option to pack in a lunch as well.

What you will need:

Milk (Any kind will do).
Yogurt (Plain, Greek, or otherwise).
Old fashioned rolled oats
Chia seeds
Honey (I encourage local honey, but you can use any preferred sweetener such as maple syrup!). 
Fruit.  Fresh and ripe is best, but frozen will do if it's not a good season for fruit. 
Half Pint mason jars

Combo 1
Banana Cocoa
My kids LOVE this combo and it's a great cure for the sweet tooth you have been fighting.  This recipe will make one serving (mason jar).


1/4 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup skim milk or any milk you prefer
1/4 cup yogurt if your using regular yogurt instead of Greek use a little less milk
1 teaspoon of chia seeds.  I just use a larger pinch with my fingers
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 teaspoon honey or any sweetner you prefer
1/2 of a ripe banana


Poor the Oats, milk, honey, chia seeds, cocoa powder and yogurt into the jar.  I recommend that order to keep from stuff clumping together.  Then Shake Shake Shake while dancing to your favorite tunes, but of course (optional, but a lot more fun).  Once you have it all mixed, add about 1/4 C chopped up banana and stir gently.  Once it's all mixed together put the lid on and put it in the refrigerator over night.  Depending on how ripe your fruit is it should be good for up to two days.  Serve cold.

Combo 2
Banana Peanut Butter Oats


1/4 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup skim milk or any milk you prefer
1/4 cup yogurt.  If you're using regular yogurt instead of Greek use a little less milk
1 teaspoon of chia seeds.  I just use a larger pinch with my fingers
1 tablespoon peanut butter
1 teaspoon honey, or any sweetener you prefer
1/2 of a ripe banana


Poor the Oats, milk, honey, chia seeds, peanut butter and yogurt into the jar.  I recommend that order to keep from stuff clumping together.  This time you better Shake Shake Shake while dancing to your favorite tunes, but of course (optional but a lot more fun).  Once you have it all mixed add about 1/4 C chopped up banana and stir gently.  Once it's all mixed together put the lid on and put it in the refrigerator over night.  Depending on how ripe your fruit is it should be good for up to two days.  Serve cold.

Combo 3
Strawberries and Cream


1/4 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup skim milk, or any milk you prefer
1/4 cup yogurt.  If you're using regular yogurt instead of Greek use a little less milk
1 teaspoon of chia seeds.  I just use a larger pinch with my fingers
1 teaspoon honey or any sweetner you prefer
1/4 of cut up strawberries

Okay you get the point just do all the same stuff as before :)

Combo Suggestions
Apple Cinnamon (1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce or enough to fill jar)
Blueberries and maple syrup (instead of honey)
Peaches and Cream
Mango and Pinapple
Raspberries and Vanilla  ( 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract or to taste)
Don't you just love how on cooking blogs or cooking shows everything is always so neat and tidy?  Well I have my husband to vouch for this, I am seriously the messiest cook around!  This is nothing compared to what a full on meal would like like after I was done! 

If you try any combos I did not list here please share them with me!


Kristi :)

Friday, May 30, 2014

For Yourself Friday: Sass That Do

Okay, for those of you currently in SS, you know I had big plans for a blog devoted to some fun hairstyles.  After several frustrations along the way, I will be sticking to other peoples expertise.  I have not cut or trimmed my hair in over a year, and I have been using baby wash as shampoo for a week since I haven't made it to the store to buy more.  I am CLEARLY no guru in the hair department!  Alas, I do know a good Do when I see one, and I can spot a attainable one from a mile away.

Here are my top three simple styles that are great for summer.  Each can be worn for a day at the beach, or a night on the town.  All can be worn up OR down, and all are super simple looks to achieve!!

1)  Middle Part:

I used to DESPISE the middle part.  It has been on a hiatus for quite some time, but it is definitely making a come back.  You can go for a more sleek look

or texturize it a bit, depending on the vibe you are going for.
With the middle part, you can do a low or high ponytail, braid, or bun.  It is super versatile and can be worn both casual or dressy.

2)  Pomp:
The pomp is fun, flirty, and a little bit of a throwback.  

It can also be worn with almost any hairstyle as well as can be more dramatic depending on how much height you give it.  
3) Exotic Bun:
Okay, buns in general are really in the forefront in all things fashion these days, and the messy/texturized top knot seems to be getting all the love.  It's sister, the slicked back bun, deserves some serious street cred as well!
Unlike the top knot, the slicked back bun doesn't have quite the same effect if it is positioned too high on your head.  I would opt to go super low,
or somewhere in the middle.
This look just screams for a night out salsa dancing!  Add a great red lip, and you will be CALIENTE!!

Let us know if you try out one of these three looks!  Share a pic, and let us know what you think.  Do you already style your hair this way?  Share Share Share!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Insulted Soul

I mean, right?!!!!!
Why are we not doing this more?  All we have been told and taught is a product of so many things.  We are influenced by pop culture, family, peers, mentors, etc.  Some of it we accept as fact and truth without a second thought.  That needs to STOP!  We need to take a second to reassess all that we 'know' and determine what might need to be dismissed.  Conformity is contagious but heightening our self awareness to ensure we aren't simply accepting majority rules is essential to being an individual.  Take the reins back to your soul!  If something doesn't seem to align with your instincts, dismiss or distance it from your life.  

A few years back we bought our first home.  It was something of a blank canvas to us and I was initially overwhelmed (I am still overwhelmed with all the projects that pop into my head, but that's the joy of being a homeowner!).  Right away I began scouring the internet (most specifically Pinterest, lets be real).  I found so many ideas of things that seemed to be what you were supposed to do.  The perfectly orchestrated living room, everything with a purpose and neat placement.  After weeks, and basically a lifetime, of believing this was how a grown up home should look, I was able to take a step back and realize that just wasn't me.  That style, and that way of thinking was truly an insult to my soul.  I want my house to be the story of my life, and an extension of my family.  I began to fight the urge to conform to how a 'big kid' home should look, and follow my instincts of what I wanted my sanctuary to be.  I avoided any information regarding color schemes, and simply doused my house with every color I could get my hands on.  

This is just an example of how I dismissed something I found insulting to my soul.  Many people love and adore that type of home, and I am not knocking you for it!!!  Rather, I am saying, ditch what has been taught as truth for something more individualized to your soul.   

Embrace your instincts, and disregard the things you have been told that just do not sit well within your soul!

After your own re-examination, let us know what you dismiss?  Did you find any 'truth's' particularly insulting to your soul?  Share Share Share!!

Friday, May 16, 2014

For Yourself Friday: Event Prep

When preparing for any event, there are some key steps to consider.  With the SS2 reveal tomorrow night, what better time to go over the Must Haves and Must Dos in anticipation of said party?

Everyone has their own routine when getting ready for an event, but below I have included what I believe to be deal breakers.  

1)  Day before outfit display.

It is obviously essential to try on your outfit, determine all necessary accessories, and model it for your family/friends/significant other.  In addition, you should find a spot to keep your outfit out on display.  Hang it up somewhere, lay it out or drape it on a chair, but keep it in your peripheral for at least 24 hours.  This will help you finalize any change in accessories, shoes, hairstyle, etc.  It will help you get excited about your evening, and fulling prepared to rock those amazing digs!

2)  Long shower + full shave maintenance.

Whether or not you will be showing leg or pit is completely irrelevant in this department!  It is an absolute MUST to shave everything when preparing for an event when you want to feel confident and put together.  Even though guests may not be able to see your stubble, or full blown jungle, you will know it's there and it will affect the way you present yourself.  Bask in a super long, steamy hot shower and take all the time you need to shave absolutely everything!  

3)  Intentional Storage

You will definitely need to bring along the basics, as far as ID, money, etc.  Do not allow the manner in which you carry these things to become a forgotten feature.  Intentionally plan for how you will tote these along.  Whether it be a nice clutch, or your usual purse, plan for it in advance and know what all you will need.  If you bring your diaper bag, and have to dig through loose cheerios, you inevitably will not feel sexy and confident.  Find something fitting to intentionally store your small essentials!  If it is your everyday purse, go through it in advance and toss any clutter that muddles your vibe!

4)  Established Timeline

I know that life with kiddos, husbands, crazy animals, can make this one a bit difficult, but try to make it a priority.  Getting ready for an event, such as the reveal, should be half the fun!  Talk to your husband ahead of time about how much time you will need, and your expectations, so you can enjoy the process of glamming it up.  Establish a timeline so you aren't feeling overly stressed leading into the event.  Determine in which order you will be doing things ie shower, hair, makeup, get dressed.  

5)  Have Fun!

Last, but absolutely not least, do not let anything get in the way of you enjoying your prep time!  It is not every night that you get to focus on yourself, and enjoy some girl time.  Try not to let little hiccups in the process overwhelm you, and take away from your evening.  Crank up your favorite music, bust out the brush microphone and dance around in your undies in serious preparation of the amazing evening ahead!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Motivational Monday: Sweet Release

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned".
Within our lives there are so many people and personalities interacting each and everyday.  Everyone has their own agenda, priorities and opinions simultaneously occurring.  This can often lead to situations where people are hurt within relationships.  It could be intentional, unintentional, accidental, or any other variety of hurtful scenarios, but the sting can often stew within us.  We hold onto the hurt like a hot coal, often not realizing the internal scar we ourselves are creating.  

On this Motivational Monday, I want to send a virtual nudge your way.  I want to nudge and encourage you to release the coal, and the searing pain that you may be kindling.  Allow yourself to release the resentment because holding onto it will not make it any better.  

Begin by asking yourself this: What am I gaining by holding on to this resentment, hate or disdain?  Explore the answer to that question.  Each thought, action, and behavior should have some intent behind it.  If you are holding onto such a powerful emotion, determine why, and determine what it is doing to your state of mind.

Now determine what needs to happen in order for you to move forward.  Do you need to communicate with the person about the situation?  Do you need to develop specific boundaries with that person in order to eliminate the same thing from happening again?  Do you need to distance or eliminate someone from your life?  Take action, as opposed to dwelling and stewing.  Demand peace and resolution within your soul.  

Today is a great day to have a great day, and an even better day to release a coal that may have overstayed its welcome!  

Friday, May 9, 2014

Texture, Height, Personalization

For those of you that do not know, my littlest man is about to turn one.  I could go on and on about all that, but rather I will express the fact that homeboy likes to get into stuff.  This makes certain decorating tactics a bit of a challenge.  Specifically, any type of coffee table styling.  A recent SS discussion was focused on revamping a living room, and shifted to coffee table styling, hence this blog post.  Although I cannot currently style my coffee table, due to said toddler, I swoon over a good centerpiece, and have a few keys rules I follow when styling one.

A coffee table that fits your style is a good place to start.  We got this old trunk from my husband's grandparents, which has worked as a great unique coffee table within our house.

Here are the three essentials when styling a coffee table.

1)  Texture
2)  Height
3)  Personalization


Incorporating texture avoids anything too matchy-matchy (unless that's your thing, and then just run with that!). You can achieve texture by utilizing different fabrics, patterns and materials.  I chose to use a piece of scrap lace fabric, a metal tray and a vintage hankerchief.  I also included a textured pitcher and a patterned frame.  

Creating height is aesthetically pleasing to the eye, and avoids the decor being one note and dull.  You want to tell a story, and have the eye move from one feature to another, in a playful manner.  I achieved this by adding vintage books (which also lend themselves to texture due to their aged appearance) and a pitcher with fresh picked wild flowers.

It is absolutely essential to add personal features to your coffee table.  This is the heart and soul of the styling. This could be in the form of a photo/frame, momento, valuable gift, etc.  I chose to use a photo, which you can change frequently.
It is also important to create some type of frame for your focal point, such as the vintage tray that I used.  You could use a large book, piece of fabric, or tray of some sort to achieve this effect.  
Other pieces you could add would be candles, figurines (I spray painted a forgotten toy horse from my kiddos play room), vase, candy bowl, etc.

Have fun with it, and switch pieces out from time to time to keep it fresh and new.  Change the photos, get different flowers, and enjoy this special piece of your household!

Do you currently have a styled coffee table?  If so, let us see a picture!  Do you have little hands that make it difficult to keep it styled?  Share Share

Monday, May 5, 2014

Motivational Monday: Not My Circus

I am a huge proponent of focusing on that which we have control over, which can often seem like very little.  I could sit and create a list, a very long list, that specifies all the things out of my hands.  It would seem neverending, and it would be frustrating and overwhelming.  It would leave me feeling powerless, which is absolutely false.  We have this amazingly perfect control within our lives, and it comes in the form of thoughts and behaviors.  We can never control other peoples thoughts and behaviors, and that can be extremely frustrating.  We have to fight the urge to wallow, and focus on the things we cannot change.  That way of thinking is toxic and will seep into your well being and poison you.  We must remember that this is not our circus, and these are not our monkeys.  With that being said, we all have our own show in the circus, and we are completely capable of making it the best damn show there is!  A show with vibrancy, excitement, and joy.  We must focus on adjusting the things within our own show that aren't going so well, but avoid critiquing the other acts in the circus. 

On this Motivational Monday, remember to consciously release the things that are beyond your control, and revel in that which you do have power over.  Be in awe of the things you can alter within your own life, because self growth is a beautiful thing!  

This is not my circus but I do have an act in this fabulous show and it will be mine, and it will be great!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Here's to Strong Women

I have recently experienced some minor struggles at work.  Without getting into detail, I have been on the receiving end of some passive aggressive critique.  It has taken me several years within my field, but I finally feel extremely confident and skilled in my abilities.  Despite that belief in myself, the recent issues have weighed heavy on my heart.  Work hostility is so toxic, and I knew I could not let it fester and continue to negatively impact me.

After some serious self reflection, extensive discussion with the hubs, and my SS army I decided to address the issue head on with my supervisor.  The feeling is exhilarating and empowering.  Knowing that I have identified and overcome a hurdle that is difficult for any to address.

On this For Yourself Friday, I encourage each and every one of you to assert yourself.  For some this will be easier then others, but I challenge you to stand up for yourself.  Is there something that has been stewing within your soul, negatively impacting your state of mind?  Are there certain behaviors or actions occurring within your life that you are not okay with?  Take the reins within your life, and sting back.  Sting in the most fierce, confident, but mature and kind way.  Rally the troops, and determine the best way to get the best results.  Discuss it with a friend, significant other, parent, etc.  

My job does not define me, but my thoughts and my behaviors do.  In order to maintain thoughts and behaviors that I am confident in, I need to ensure that each piece of the puzzle is placed accordingly.  I need to ensure that what defines me shines through in each aspect of my life, and that I am asserting myself as much as a situation warrants.  

Do you assert yourself often, or are you less confrontational?  Let us know if there is a situation you want to hit head on, and let us know how it works out!!  Share Share Share!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Guest Blogger: Picture Perfect with SS Amber B

I have a confession:  I’ve been stalking you… on Facebook, that is.  And don’t judge, ‘cause I know you’ve done it too!  We all have, especially within this group of fantastic ladies who have opened their hearts so many times to strangers who quickly become friends.    Browsing a Facebook page is an easy way to get to know the acquaintances in your Friends list and to see what’s going on in their lives, or catch up with old friends whom you haven’t talked to in awhile. 

But warning:   This is a dangerous pastime, one that could lead you down a road of self doubt and insecurity, if you take everything at face value…

How many times have you scrolled through your newfeed and felt jealous?  Inadequate?  Failing at the game of Life?  I know I have many times.  Some days it seems like everyone I know runs marathons, makes butternut squash soup from scratch, throws handmade birthday parties for their kids that rival those of Martha Stewart, and somehow still manage to look amazing for all the sexy-time they have with their partners.

I read these updates and then sadly look around at my own life- here I sit at my computer, with kids who needed baths two days ago, a moody man, and I don’t even have the energy to put away the two weeks of laundry surrounding me like a mountain, let alone start training for an Ironman.  I think to myself, “What the frack am I doing wrong? How do they do it all so easily?”

The answer is- they don’t.  No one can do it ALL.  What we see when we read a person’s blog, profile, or post is a carefully crafted image designed to share the best of a life.  We see what they WANT us to see, and there is always more to a person’s story than what meets the eye.  Maybe just beyond the frame of that perfect profile picture is another Laundry Mountain, equally as daunting to that person, which we don’t see.

When we start looking at everyone else’s successes we sometimes forget to celebrate our own.  Instead of comparing your life unfairly to what you think everyone else is experiencing, find the joy in your own story and focus on the best of what YOU have to share- and remember to share it with yourself!  Real life is messy and that’s okay.  Just remember everyone has messes, they just don’t always pop up on a news feed.  

-Amber B

Monday, April 28, 2014

Motivational Monday: Fight The System

As we grow up and life smacks us in the face, we are forced to take on responsibilities and mature.  That can mean a variety of things, but typically it includes paying our bills, following a schedule/routine, and making difficult decisions.  Youthfulness is often sacrificed for what is right and what is necessary, but that can sometimes leave us feeling that our sparkle has been dulled.  I currently work a full time, 9-5 job, as well as have two children, a home and a husband.  I am extremely grateful for that schedule, and each and every one of my other adult blessings.  On the other hand, I often feel the need to defy these systematic guidelines that have been put into place.  I often miss my ability to be spontaneous, and disregard the consequences of my actions.  While I am grateful I have the ability to assess the repercussions of my choices, I often yearn for the youthfulness that was seemingly invincible.  

On this Motivational Monday, I want to remember that within us all is a youthful flame that continues to burn.  It warms our soul, and is just beneath the surface.  It may be hushed at times, but it is not gone.  Each and everyday provides the opportunity to do something a little bit crazy and a little bit unexpected.  Within daily routines and responsibilities there are moments presented to fight the system and spread your wings.  Capture these moments, embrace them, for they are what will kindle that tiny flame within your soul. 

  Share these moments with those closest with you!  Whether it be your kiddos, who could use the lesson that age is just a number, your spouse or your best friends.  Spread the moments of spontaneity and disregard for consequence (although, by consequence I mean getting a splinter while frolicking barefoot, not stealing a car!).  Let us know about a moment you fought the system, and spread  your wings!  Do you make an effort to find these moments?  Share Share Share!!  

Friday, April 25, 2014

Shady McShaderson

The sun has recently graced us with its presence and oh how it feels good!! It seeps into the soul and ignites bliss with its warm rays.  I have been wearing sunglasses since I was in junior high, so in addition to pure joy, the sun also presents a fabulous opportunity to spice up your face.  A great pair of shades is an awesome accessory, with endless opportunities.  I am prone to breaking and/or losing just about anything, so for me it is more practical to get a less costly pair.  I opt for several pairs of cheap but versatile shades.  

On this For Yourself Friday buy yourself some new shades!! I challenge you to get a pair that is new to you, and a bit out of your comfort zone.  Get a different color or shape.  Think about the look you are hoping to achieve and take the plunge.  If you are feeling retro, a good cat eye is awesome.  Aviators are great for a day on the lake and big Breakfast at Tiffany shades are fabulous for a day at the wineries! 

Today I stumbled across an old pair I haven't worn I years.  If you have an old pair collecting dust (and they are cute!) revive them!! Here's my current eye gear 

Let us know if you buy a new pair!! Post a pic and let us know how they work out!!!


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Guest Blogger: Sisterly Love with SS Ash

We talk about the world, and its riches and spoils. But what are we doing for the world? What are we doing for our brothers and sisters? 

Something Secret Sisters has taught me is, I am not alone. This past winter, my sisters saved me. They probably have no idea that they did, but I was at my wit’s end. My life felt like it was unraveled. Not sure if any of my answers to the QOTD (question of the day) gave me away or not. I felt so bad for the SS that had me (Sorry April!!). I had thought about ending my life, more than once. I’m not ashamed to admit that. My rope was getting tight and I had nowhere to run, except to my sisters. The joking, the online hugs, the laughter they gave me, were the things that helped me through.

Why am I sharing this now? I may not have been here if it was not for this group of amazing, thoughtful, hilarious women. We are all from different walks of life, with different stories, but we are all the same. We are sisters. We are here to encourage and lift each other up. I encourage you to reach out and hug a near by sister. Lift her up, Help her out, Let her know that she is not alone. She is loved.