
Monday, April 21, 2014

Motivational Monday- State of Mind

I recently returned from a much needed vacay in my home state of California.  It was a rejuvenation I didn't fully comprehend I needed, and the initial come down was brutal.  After a major meltdown, I began to reflect on what had been provided from the amazing escape.  I realized that the feelings I experienced while there could continue throughout my days, regardless of where I was.  The serenity, inspiration, and bliss were all things I could create within my own life in Southern Illinois.  We returned late on Friday night, my meltdown occurred on Saturday afternoon, and the nurturing and preservation of my Cali state of mind began on Sunday.

Our environment has such a powerful impact on our state of mind, but we are also fully capable of altering our environment.  We can surround ourselves with an abundance of things to help guide our thoughts and our feelings.  For me that currently includes reggae music and planting a garden.

On this Motivational Monday do something to help create your own state of mind.  Alter your environment to fit the mood you want to experience.  Buy fresh flowers, paint a picture, crank up the music, make fresh lemonade.  Do something, ANYTHING, to nurture and cultivate the state of mind you want to experience!!

Fill us in on how you dictate your surroundings, and positively alter your environment!  What works best for you?  Share, share, share!!

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