
Monday, April 7, 2014

Motivational Monday: Goal Sister

I was recently chatting with my dude about an article I read regarding common admissions that are made when one is on their death bed.  One in particular that resonated with me was the amount of regret many feel over what they did not do or accomplish in their lifetime.  It got me thinking about how responsibility, routine and comfortability, can often blind us from tiny accomplishments that will make it all worth while.  Personal growth can get shoved aside as we focus on daily expectations, deadlines, etc.  To put it simply, what a bummer!  

At any given point we can revisit the very thing that makes us thrive, and that provides bliss within our lives!  On this Motivational Monday, I challenge you to identify a goal you will achieve.  Regret about what we don't accomplish is a preventable outcome, but avoiding that can take some thought and effort.  Figure out an area you have not tended to in awhile, or ever!  Think of an old goal that has been ditched, but can be rekindled with some TLC.  It can be big or small, but should be something that is important to you.  Something that will leave you feeling accomplished, and worthwhile.  If your goal is overwhelming, large or seems too far away, establish short term goals to help you achieve that.  

Choosing a goal that will leave you regretless on your death bed is a tall order!  When choosing mine, I thought of something small, that would have a big impact.  I have decided that my goal for this week will be to prepare for our upcoming vacation, like never before.  I am not an organized person in any way, shape or form, which often leaves me scrambling like a headless chicken.  I do not want my husband and kiddos to look back on things remembering how befuddled I was during this trip, or any trip.  Therefore, I will begin packing this evening (almost a whole week early....GASP!).  I will make a list, and check it twice.  I will go into our vacation with a calm mind, and a prepared suitcase! 

Let us know what goals you are thinking about setting.  Do you have any that you are currently working towards?  Fill us in!!  I will report back on my befuddled-less packing!!  Wish me luck :-)

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