
Friday, March 21, 2014

For Yourself Friday- Keep Calm and Polish On

I began getting my nails done at a salon regularly around 5 years ago.  I enjoy everything about the process, including slipping away for some me time, picking out a new color to fit my mood, and rocking some femininity on my hands (which are waved around incessantly during my expressive chatter!).  I opt to get acrylic, but I know several women who enjoy a simple manicure, shellac, or a good paint job at home.  Whatever your preference is, getting your nails done (or doing them yourself), is a great way to relax and enjoy something just for you.  It is also a way to creatively express yourself in a small way.  Whether you go bold, simple, or elegant, your nails inevitably give some insight into your personality, as well as your current mood!

Last night one of my nails fell of, and every valley girl stereotype was recreated.  I will be making an emergency stop at the salon today, and encourage you to enjoy some nail pampering yourself!  On this For Yourself Friday, join me in making your nails a little extra fabulous!  With spring kick starting, now is the perfect time to try out a new bright color like mint or coral!

This is my current, sad nail truth.  If this is as bad as it gets, I suppose I will be alright :-)

In addition to getting your nails done, I strongly encourage having your husband paint your toe nails. Although I know this an absolute never guna happen situation for many, for others all it takes is a little bit of a puppy dog eye.  Sitting back and allowing your man to jack up your toes (or make them look great, depending on his skills), is super fun regardless of the outcome!  My husband did it while I was pregnant, and although he is pretty bad at it, every now and again I ask him to do it just for fun.  It gives me a laugh, and I love knowing that he will do it for me just because he loves me and I ask.  

Keep Calm and Polish On!!
Do you typically get your nails done?  If you participate in fabbing up your nails on For Yourself Friday, tell us about it!  What color did you choose?  Where did you go?  Was it relaxing?  



  1. I got acrylic nails done as a teen. Once I went away to college, I quit and never returned to it. I'm lucky to file them! I'm terrible abit the paint chipping off. I occasionally get a manicure for a special occasion and enjoy it. I get a pedicure in the spring. Good reminder! It's time and I plan to go to Green Door Spa in Mt. Vernon.

  2. I've never had a manicure. Probably never will. I can't justify spending money on stuff like that. I don't even let myself buy new clothes for god's sake. . . Pedicures on the other hand are my style, fo sho!
